How to Extend the Life of Your Car Battery

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A dead car battery is the ultimate buzzkill. Whether rushing to a meeting or going on a road trip, the dreaded clicking sound of a failing battery can ruin your day. But here’s the good news – there are ways to ensure your car’s power source stays healthy for as long as possible. Let’s dive in!

How to Prolong Car Battery Life

Take a Walk: The Short Trip Dilemma

Think of your car’s battery as a rechargeable power bank. When you drive, the alternator acts like a charger, replenishing the energy the battery expends to turn the engine on and power your car’s electrical systems. In short trips, your alternator might only run for a few minutes, which doesn’t give it enough time to compensate fully for the energy lost during startup.

How to Increase Car Battery Life — Fixit45 Tip: If possible, run your errands all at once rather than making multiple trips to avoid as many short drives as possible. Aim for a 20-30-minute drive to give your alternator ample time to top up your battery.

Clean Your Battery Terminals, Please!

The corrosive buildup of a white or green powdery substance caused by battery corrosion does more than just become a nuisance. When you don’t take proper care of your battery terminals, corrosion can affect your battery lifespan and prevent you from starting your car. Corrosion acts like insulation, creating resistance to the flow of electrical current. This makes your battery work harder, leading to strain on the internal components and, eventually, internal damage.

How to Extend Car Battery Life — Fixit45 Tip: Show your battery terminals some love! Regular maintenance checks will ensure you keep the battery clean and get you back on the road quicker. Arrange for a free pickup and drop service from Fixit45 to avoid battery failure and to keep your battery healthy.


Even when your car is completely off, some electrical components may continue to pull tiny amounts of power from the battery. This is what we call a “parasitic drain.” While some electrical drains are normal, culprits that can significantly increase it include stereo systems, interior lights, phone chargers, or other accessories left plugged in. When you unplug accessories, you eliminate these potential parasitic power draws. Even tiny amounts of power, when lost continually, can significantly drain your battery over time.

How to Extend the Life of Your Car Battery — Fixit45 Tip: Always double-check if you’ve turned off and unplugged accessories before getting out of your car at night. This ensures optimal battery power the following morning, so you don’t have to skip that morning gym session! You’re welcome!

Secure That Powerhouse!

A loose battery continuously vibrates as you drive, especially on rough roads. This constant shaking can cause internal damage to the battery’s delicate components, such as plates and connectors. These can break or short circuit, drastically reducing the battery’s lifespan. Furthermore, a loose battery is likelier to tip or shift, potentially causing electrolyte spills in traditional flooded lead-acid batteries. These acid spills can damage surrounding components and are hazardous.

How to Prolong Car Battery Life — Fixit45 Tip: Most cars have a specific hold-down mechanism, which often includes a bracket and rod secured with bolts or nuts. Ensure this clamp is correctly tightened and free of damage or rust. A little stability goes a long way!

Drive More, Stress Less With Fixit45

Say goodbye to those mornings scrambling for jumper cables or asking your neighbors for a boost. When you take battery longevity prevention tips, such as avoiding short drives as much as possible, cleaning your battery terminals, and securing your battery in place, you can extend the lifespan of your car battery.

If you need to run maintenance checks or replace an old battery, call your car care sidekick at 08061440051 for the best-in-class auto repair services!

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